2016: Another Great Year for Crew 285
Crew 285 sent two crews to Philmont during the summer of 2016.
The GRSP Haunted Trail was on a Saturday night for the first time, so we turned it into a camping trip
Service projects included the SA Food Bank, Morgan's Wonderland, Bracken Cave Clean-up and winter prep, and the Haunted Trail and GRSP clean up.
Chris Roca and Louis Whitworth had their Eagle Courts of Honor
JB Marshall started 2016 as VOA President but stepped down when he was elected as the Area 3 VOA President!
Javi Soza became VOA President when JB resigned.
Crew 285 continued to dominate the VOA, In October Alyssa was elected President and Miranda VP Communications
And the Christmas Party was a grand time.
The GRSP Haunted Trail was on a Saturday night for the first time, so we turned it into a camping trip
Service projects included the SA Food Bank, Morgan's Wonderland, Bracken Cave Clean-up and winter prep, and the Haunted Trail and GRSP clean up.
Chris Roca and Louis Whitworth had their Eagle Courts of Honor
JB Marshall started 2016 as VOA President but stepped down when he was elected as the Area 3 VOA President!
Javi Soza became VOA President when JB resigned.
Crew 285 continued to dominate the VOA, In October Alyssa was elected President and Miranda VP Communications
And the Christmas Party was a grand time.