October 11, 2016
Youth: Kristin, Kat, Aaron, Javi, Alyssa, Louis, Natalia
Adults: Ms. Child, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Peek, Ms. Soza, Mr. Vazquez, Ms. Whitworth, Dr JT
Guests: none
President Kristin called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
VP Admin Javi led us in the Pledge, the Oath, and the Law
Adults: Ms. Child, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Peek, Ms. Soza, Mr. Vazquez, Ms. Whitworth, Dr JT
Guests: none
President Kristin called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM
VP Admin Javi led us in the Pledge, the Oath, and the Law
Haunted Trail/GRSP camping trip Oct 29-30
This trip will be a lot of fun. Follow this link for details and please RSVP so we can have an accurate head count.
VOA Challenge Cup Oct 15
The 2016 VOA Challenge Cup is this coming Satuday, Oct 15.
Arrive at McGimsey between 8:30 and 8:45
The fun begins at 0900
There are ten challenges. The Crew that score the highest gets their picture on the Challenge up trophy for the year.
Let's have a strong turnout to improve our chances of victory!
GO Crew 285 GO !!!
Arrive at McGimsey between 8:30 and 8:45
The fun begins at 0900
There are ten challenges. The Crew that score the highest gets their picture on the Challenge up trophy for the year.
Let's have a strong turnout to improve our chances of victory!
GO Crew 285 GO !!!
Horseback Riding: Rancho Cortez
VP Program Alyssa gave a presentation on our planned horseback riding trip.
Rancho Cortez is in Bandera
This will be on overnight trip. They have availability Nov 12/13 or we could delay until Jan/Feb
We will stay in a bunkhouse that can accommodate up to 28 (14 females, 14 males)
Price: $99 per person
3 meals included
1 hour trail ride the first afternoon, another 1 hour ride in the morning
indoor and outdoor pools
Rancho Cortez is in Bandera
This will be on overnight trip. They have availability Nov 12/13 or we could delay until Jan/Feb
We will stay in a bunkhouse that can accommodate up to 28 (14 females, 14 males)
Price: $99 per person
3 meals included
1 hour trail ride the first afternoon, another 1 hour ride in the morning
indoor and outdoor pools
Possible service project
Louis presented some information about SA Clubhouse where we could perform a service project. I will ask him for more details to post here on our site.
Tonight's activity: Sheet pan race
We divided into teams to strategize on the sheet pan race.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50