March 22, 2016
Youth: Alyssa, Kristin, Javi, Louis, Kayla, Katie
Karl, Amanda, Ian, Brenda, Wesley, Honu, Miranda, Chris, Natalia
Adults: Ms. Boller, Ms. Child, Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Jackson, Dr. Kirlin, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Miranda, Mr. Peek, Ms. Roca, Ms. Soza, Ms. Vasquez, Mr. Vazquez, Dr. JT
Guests: TJ and Elizabeth
Karl, Amanda, Ian, Brenda, Wesley, Honu, Miranda, Chris, Natalia
Adults: Ms. Boller, Ms. Child, Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Jackson, Dr. Kirlin, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Miranda, Mr. Peek, Ms. Roca, Ms. Soza, Ms. Vasquez, Mr. Vazquez, Dr. JT
Guests: TJ and Elizabeth
Alyssa Called the meeting to order at 7:05
Kristin opened the meeting with the Pledge, the Oath, and the Law
Kristin opened the meeting with the Pledge, the Oath, and the Law
Upcoming Activities
VOA meeting Mar 31 Next Crew meeting: April 12 April 2-3: Troop 285 invited Crew 285 to participate in their mini-Triathalon to be held at a camp Sol Mayer northwest of San Antonio. Crew members can participate in the race or, if you would rather just help out, do community service by helping with the race. We will camp overnight and get in a practice hike, too! Activity chair: no volunteers (well, Miranda offered but could not say for sure that she could attend) San Antonio Food Bank service project is coming soon. More details to follow. Activity Chair: Alyssa There is a hike scheduled for April 23 in Government Canyon and the Crew will have a Lock-In that night at the Scout Lodge. Activity Chair: Kayla Camp Cards
If you want more ask Dr. JT for them Cards sell for $5 each. $2.50 of that goes into the crew member's account. The other $2.50 goes to Alamo Area Council These cards will sell themselves. The $10 coupon for Alamo Drafthouse alone pays for the card. Also on the card: 50 cent coffee/soft drinks from Seven Eleven good until end of September, $10 off purchase of $100 or more at Good Sports (Venturers already get 10% off, this is added to that discount!) You have until our meeting on May 10 to sell the cards. Return all unsold cards and money from sold cards that night. (If you miss that deadline you will have to pay 25 cents per unsold card when you turn them in) Tonight's Activity: Javi had an activity for all to participate in while boards of reviews and advisor conferences were underway.
NOTE: You must contact Dr. JT in advance to schedule an Advisor's Conference. You must contact the Crew president to schedule a Board or Review. We are all busy, everyone's time is valuable. Please respect these rules. The Meeting was adjourned by Alyssa at 8pm |