Feb 9, 2016
Youth: Sofia, Kristin, Alyssa, Javi, Karl, Honu, Kayla, Louis, Katie
Adults: Ms. Baker, Ms. Boller, Ms. Child, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Miranda, Ms. Oakes, Ms. Soza, Ms. Vasquez, Ms. Whitworth, Mr. Whitworth, Dr. JT
Guests: Houston
Meeting called to order by President Sofia at 7:06
Guest introduced by VP Admin Kristin: Houston is a member of a troop but wants to transition to Crew 285
Announcement from Dr. JT: Michalea applied for and was awarded a Waite Phillips Scholarship by Philmont Scout Ranch. Way to go!
Elections are at the next meeting on Feb 23, nominations close at midnight Friday Feb 19.
Term is 6 months (next elections will be in August). Term limit: two consecutive terms in the same office.
Officers are expected to attend >90% of Crew activities and meetings.
Current Officers:
President: Sofia M. (second term)
VP Administrative: Kristin A. (first term)
VP Program: Alyssa T. (second term)
VP Communications: Wesley K. (first term)
Treasurer: Javi S. (first term)
Historian: Marissa S. (first term)
The duties and expectations of each office was presented by your current officers: Sofia (President) Kristin (VP Admin) Alyssa (VP Program) and Javi (Treasurer).
Wesley (VP Comm) and Marissa (Historian) were not present.
For a guide to individual office expectations please review this interactive Officer Orientation.
Nominations taken at this meeting:
President: Alyssa T, Kristin A, Javi S
VP Admin: Alyssa T, Kristin A, Javi S
VP Program: Marissa S
VP Communications: Louis W
Treasurer: Javi S
Historian: Katie W
NOTE: Registered youth members are the voting members. Nominations can only be made by voting members.
Please send nominations to Sofia and me by email. We will accept verbal nominations at the meeting on the 9th.
No nominations will be accepted after midnight Friday, Feb 19th to allow time to create the ballots. However, nominees who do not win the office may be nominated for another office during the meeting on the 23rd as the elections proceed. Example: if you are nominated for VP Communication but do not get elected, you can then be nominated for Treasurer.
Officers will be elected in the following order: President, VP Admin, VP Program, VP Comm, Treasurer, Histo
Adults: Ms. Baker, Ms. Boller, Ms. Child, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Miranda, Ms. Oakes, Ms. Soza, Ms. Vasquez, Ms. Whitworth, Mr. Whitworth, Dr. JT
Guests: Houston
Meeting called to order by President Sofia at 7:06
Guest introduced by VP Admin Kristin: Houston is a member of a troop but wants to transition to Crew 285
Announcement from Dr. JT: Michalea applied for and was awarded a Waite Phillips Scholarship by Philmont Scout Ranch. Way to go!
Elections are at the next meeting on Feb 23, nominations close at midnight Friday Feb 19.
Term is 6 months (next elections will be in August). Term limit: two consecutive terms in the same office.
Officers are expected to attend >90% of Crew activities and meetings.
Current Officers:
President: Sofia M. (second term)
VP Administrative: Kristin A. (first term)
VP Program: Alyssa T. (second term)
VP Communications: Wesley K. (first term)
Treasurer: Javi S. (first term)
Historian: Marissa S. (first term)
The duties and expectations of each office was presented by your current officers: Sofia (President) Kristin (VP Admin) Alyssa (VP Program) and Javi (Treasurer).
Wesley (VP Comm) and Marissa (Historian) were not present.
For a guide to individual office expectations please review this interactive Officer Orientation.
Nominations taken at this meeting:
President: Alyssa T, Kristin A, Javi S
VP Admin: Alyssa T, Kristin A, Javi S
VP Program: Marissa S
VP Communications: Louis W
Treasurer: Javi S
Historian: Katie W
NOTE: Registered youth members are the voting members. Nominations can only be made by voting members.
Please send nominations to Sofia and me by email. We will accept verbal nominations at the meeting on the 9th.
No nominations will be accepted after midnight Friday, Feb 19th to allow time to create the ballots. However, nominees who do not win the office may be nominated for another office during the meeting on the 23rd as the elections proceed. Example: if you are nominated for VP Communication but do not get elected, you can then be nominated for Treasurer.
Officers will be elected in the following order: President, VP Admin, VP Program, VP Comm, Treasurer, Histo
Upcoming Activities presented by VP Program Alyssa:
This Saturday there will be a hike in McAllister Park. We decided to start at 0830. Ms Child, Ms Whitworth, Mr Miranda, Mr Peek and Mr Lynch will be there to participate. More information will come out by email.
The AHA First Aid CPR course will be taught by Ms. Baker at the Scout Lodge on Sat Feb 20 from 8:00 to 4:30. Limited to 7 participants. Fee $50. Email Dr. JT if you want to participate.
JB Marshall will be doing his Eagle Scout Project the same day, Sat Feb 20. So if you are not taking the course please show up to help JB with his project. More details on his project will be coming by email.
Hike March 5 Mission Reach Trail
We have a camping trip scheduled for April 2-3; Mr Lynch will see if Troop 285 would like for the Crew to participate in their mini-Triathalon to be held at a camp west of San Antonio. Hopefully Crew members can participate in the race or, if you would rather just help out, do community service by helping with the race.
Alyssa is contacting the San Antonio Food Bank to coordinate a service project in the month of March. More details to follow.
There is a hike scheduled for April 23 in Government Canyon and the Crew will have a Lock-In that night at the Scout Lodge. Michalea volunteered to be Activity Chair for the Lock-In.
This Saturday there will be a hike in McAllister Park. We decided to start at 0830. Ms Child, Ms Whitworth, Mr Miranda, Mr Peek and Mr Lynch will be there to participate. More information will come out by email.
The AHA First Aid CPR course will be taught by Ms. Baker at the Scout Lodge on Sat Feb 20 from 8:00 to 4:30. Limited to 7 participants. Fee $50. Email Dr. JT if you want to participate.
JB Marshall will be doing his Eagle Scout Project the same day, Sat Feb 20. So if you are not taking the course please show up to help JB with his project. More details on his project will be coming by email.
Hike March 5 Mission Reach Trail
We have a camping trip scheduled for April 2-3; Mr Lynch will see if Troop 285 would like for the Crew to participate in their mini-Triathalon to be held at a camp west of San Antonio. Hopefully Crew members can participate in the race or, if you would rather just help out, do community service by helping with the race.
Alyssa is contacting the San Antonio Food Bank to coordinate a service project in the month of March. More details to follow.
There is a hike scheduled for April 23 in Government Canyon and the Crew will have a Lock-In that night at the Scout Lodge. Michalea volunteered to be Activity Chair for the Lock-In.
Tonight's Activity: Frisbee Bowling
The Meeting was adjourned at 8pm
The Meeting was adjourned at 8pm